· 2-3 tbsp. Deeply Root’d Jerk Seasoning
· ½ cup - 1 cup of Deeply Root’d Jerk sauce or Deeply Root’d Jerk Mango
Pineapple Sauce
· 2 pounds of 1st and 2nd joint party wings (Wash and Clean)
· 1- banking pan 12.7" X 8.9'' X 2"
· 3.5 cup of Olive Oil
· 1- 3-quart saucepan (Optional)
· In the bowl add the 2 pounds of wings
· Add 1/2 cup olive oil, Jerk seasoning, Jerk Sauce, or Jerk Mango Pineapple Sauce in the bowl
· Mix all together and let sit overnight.
· Grease the baking pan.
· Add the seasoned wings to a baking pan leaving space between each wing.
· Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees electric or 400 degrees for gas.
· Once heated, put in oven for 35 to 40 minutes and let bake.
· Turn chicken over and let bake for another 15 to 20 minutes.
· Let chicken rest for a couple minutes before removing to a serving platter.
· Optional- For crispy wings turn stove on medium to high heat.
· Add 2.5-3 cups of olive oil to saucepan and let oil get hot for a minute.
· Add 3 to 4 wings to the pan for 10 to 20 seconds or until crispy.
· Repeat this step until all wings are cooked. (internal temp 165°F)
· Let wings cool on paper towel for 1-2 min. before serving.
· (Optional)Use the Deeply Root’d Jerk sauce or the Deeply Root’d Jerk Mango Pineapple Sauce to toss the wings until coated or use the sauces as dipping sauce.